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Design & Technology

The Design and Technology curriculum is structured around key concepts: mechanisms, structures, textiles, and systems (including electrical or mechanical). Each unit of work addresses these concepts, allowing children to build their knowledge progressively, developing both breadth and depth in technological understanding and thinking. As an integral part of the STEM curriculum, Design and Technology fosters creativity and problem-solving, encouraging children to design, create, make, and evaluate products to address real and relevant challenges in various contexts. A key aspect of the curriculum is ensuring that children understand the purpose of what they are creating, enabling them to meet the needs and desires of consumers.

Cooking and nutrition are taught separately as a distinct part of the curriculum.

The key strands within the Design and Technology curriculum provide the disciplinary knowledge and understanding necessary for children to become effective designers and innovators. These concepts are organised hierarchically, ensuring a structured and progressive development of skills and knowledge over time. The core disciplinary concepts include designing, making, evaluating, and technical knowledge, all of which are explored in increasing depth as children move through the year groups. This approach ensures that students’ knowledge grows and evolves, empowering them to tackle more complex design challenges as they progress.

Manor HillFirst School
Contact Us
01785 812418Manor Hill First School[email protected]Manor Rise, Stone ST15 0HY
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust